
We were in triage mode. We were just hoping to open the doors every day. We neglected the focus on why we were in business in the first place. The Rite Service was able to focus our team (and me) on why we were in business in the first place.
— Linda Griffin
We were doing the same thing and expecting a different result. The Rite Service helped us focus on authenticity and not checking off a box. Now our customer satisfaction scores went through the roof.
— Robert Omar


Our commitment

The Rite Service training programs focus on the heart of service. Whether your industry is in fine dining or auto mechanics, our custom service program is going to impact your business by creating advocates for your business- not just more customers. Your customers will not just return, they will bring others with them.


About Our “Why”

The Rite Service was started by a team of passionate advocates for serving others. The “why” to take care of people is always forefront in our mind. Whether being on the receiving end of poor service or receiving that exceptional wow service, we are reminded that we are put on this earth to serve. Our passionate “why” goes beyond the confidence of doing a good job or profit growth month over month. We all need that reminder that we are here to serve, serve well and serve with love. Galatians 5:13