Pricing + Services


Consulting Services starting at $125/hour.


Group Training


Sign up your team for training. Currently, trainings are held virtually on Mondays from 11-3 ET/10-2 CT/9-1 MT/8-12PT. Be camera ready and ready to share your experiences and feedback. This is an interactive session!

In-person training is also available. Please contact us at for more information about large groups or in-person training. Includes certification. Click on “Register” then complete your registration from your Cart.

Individual Training (within a group)

One day training for an individual. Includes certification. Trainings are held virtually on Mondays from 11-3 ET/10-2 CT/9-1 MT/8-12PT. Be camera ready and ready to share your experiences and feedback. This is an interactive session! Click on “Register” then complete your registration from your Cart.